Prof. Dr. habil. Günter Schnabel
Prof. Dr. habil. Günter Schnabel - 1991 Germany geb. 17. 09.1927 in Dresden, Ordentlicher Professor für Theorie und Methodik des Trainings, (heute "Allgemeine Bewegungs- und Trainingswissenschaft").
Prof. Dr. Stanislav Celikovski
Prof. Dr. Stanislav Celikovski, was born in 1923. He was famous educationalist, organizer of science and expert in the field of human movement science. For many years he taught in the Department of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University in Prag, Czechoslovakia. He received degree of habilitated doctor in 1962.
Prof. Dr. habil Levan Tschaidze
Prof. Dr. habil Levan Tschaidze (1911) is outstanding scientist in the field of human motor control. His scientific career was interrupted by II world war (he was awarded 16 war medals). His candidate?s and doctor?s (1961) dissertations were worked out under supervision of Nikolai Aleksandrovitsch Bernstein.
Prof. Dr. Hermann Rieder
Prof. Dr. Hermann Rieder - 1928 geboren
Studium Geschichte, Germanistik und Sport in München
Sportwissenschaftler in München, Würzburg und Heidelberg
Prof. Dr. Richard Schmidt
Prof. Richard Schmidt, Ph.D. attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he received his B.A. in physical education, with a minor in mathematics, in 1963. He was an All-American collegiate gymnast on the still rings in 1962. He received a teaching credential and an M.A. degree in 1965 from Berkeley and taught and coached gymnastics until he entered the Ph.D. program at the University of Illinois.
Prof. Dr. habil. Roman Trześniowski
Professor Roman Trześniowski was born in 1909. In 1930 he completed Teacher's College and in 1936-1939 studied at Central Institute of Physical Culture and Academy of Physical Culture. In 1947 he graduated in physical education at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, and in 1956 - in pedagogy, at Warsaw University. In 1959 he received PhD degree at Research Institute of Physical Education, Warsaw, and in 1964 - the degree of habilitated doctor at Warsaw University. In 1972 he became Full Professor.
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Fetz
Prof. Dr. Friedrich Fetz - 1995 Austria
In preparation
Prof. Dr. Han CG Kemper
Professor Han CG Kemper is born in 1941 in Amsterdam and married with G. Bertheke Post. He is the father of two daughters: Ilse and Birgit and a grandfather of five grandchildren: Ruben, Sten, Kirsi, Tom and Jim. Han CG Kemper changed career from teaching in physical education (St Ignatius College in Amsterdam1963- 1973) to an academic position as exercise physiologist at the University of Amsterdam (1965-1980).He teached sports physiology at the Central Institute for Sport Coaches (CIOS) in Overveen (1968-1971) and at Higher Institute for Physical Education (KALO) in Tilburg (1971-1985).
Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky
Prof. Dr. Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky, Ph.D. Professor of Kinesiology, Department of Kinesiology, The Pennsylvania State University.
Prof. Dr. Paavo V. Komi
Paavo V. Komi- Professor, Exercise Physiology 1980-1990. Biomechanics 1990-2004 Director of the Neuromuscular Research Center 1997- 40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Prof. Dr. James Skinner (USA)
Prof. Dr. James Skinner (USA)
LANGUAGE FLUENCY: English, French, German, Spanish.
DEGREES: B.S. (Physical Education), University of Illinois, 1958; M.S. (Physical Education), University of Illinois, 1960; Ph.D. (Physical Education/Physiology), University of Illinois, 1963;
Prof. Dr. Thomas Reilly
Prof.Dr.Thomas Reilly. Professor of Sports Science and Director of the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University. The Research Institute holds the top ranking in the most recent national Research Assessment Exercise.
Prof. Dr. habil.Napoleon Wolanski
Napoleon Wolanski, ordinary professor emeritus, b. Zapusta, Poland, Apr. 22, 1929; Studies in physics, biology & medicine, MSc, Warsaw U. 1951, PhD, Jagellonian U., 1957; DSc., Lodz U., 1962; professor title 1983. Postdoctoral studies 1964-65, Fels Research Institute, Ohio, USA (Internat. Research Fellowship Program); Organizer &head: dept. of Anthropology U. Coll. of Phys. Educ., Warsaw, 1951-54; deputy-chmn. Polish Sci. Assn., Warsaw.
Prof. Dr. Josif M. Feigenberg
Professor Josif Moisejevitsch Feigenberg (1922) is head of the Research Laboratory in Moscow, Russia, and chairman of Jerusalem Multidisciplinary Seminar in Jerusalem, Israel. He completed his medical studies in 1946, doctor's degree got in 1954, habilitation in 1967 and the title of professor - in 1972.
Prof. em. Dr. habil. Peter Hirtz
Prof. em. Dr. habil. Peter Hirtz (born 11.09.1937)
Emeritus professor of exercise science and training on the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald (Germany). Director of the Institute for Sports Science in Greifswald. Dean of the Faculty of Arts. For many years Vice President of the International Association of Sport Kinetics (IASK), Vice Chairman of the Central Working Group for “Sportmotorik” GDR, Deputy Spokesman of the Working Group “Sportmotorik”of the German Association for Sports Science of the Federal Republic of Germany (DVS). Head of the Research Circle "N. A. Bernstein" in Greifswald. Long-time coach in track and field, President of the Track and Field Association of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany).
Professor Tadeusz Malinski, Ph.D.; Dr.h.c.m.
Professor Tadeusz Malinski, Ph.D.; Dr.h.c.m.
Marvin & Ann Dilley White Chair and Distinguished Professor of Ohio University, USA
Dr. Malinski is the Marvin & Ann Dilley White Chair and Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Sciences. Professor Malinski is a world-renowned scientist and inventor. Born in Srem, Poland, he received his MS from Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, and went on to receive his Ph.D. from the Poznan University of Technology. After that he was a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan and a professor at the University of Houston and Oakland University. His research is interdisciplinary in the areas of biochemistry, biotechnology, and is one of the pioneers of a new field of medicine – nanomedicine. He was first in the world to measure, with nanosensors, nitric oxide (which is a vital molecule in regulating the cardiovascular system and the brain) concentration in single cells and neurons.