
Created: Saturday, 27 October 2018

Prof. Wlodzimierz Starosta - PolandPresident - Prof. Wlodzimierz Starosta (Poland)

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Prof. Dr. habil., Dr h.c. Włodzimierz Starosta.Education: University School of Physical Education in Poznan (Poland) 1951-1952; Institute of Physical Culture in Leningrad (Soviet Union) 1952-1956; Institute of Physical Culture in Leningrad Ph. D. -1963; University School of Physical Education in Warsaw (Poland) habilitation (second doctor degree)- 1977. Full prof. from 1990. Visiting Professor: University School of Physical Education in Moscow; University Saarbrucken, Greifswald and Magdeburg (Germany); Zagreb (Croatia); Ljubljana (Slovenia); Izmir (Turkey); Preśov (Slovakia), Tartu (Estonia), Bologna and Urbino (Italy); Italian Olympic Committee. Membership of professional bodies: International Society of Sport Genetic and Somatology (general secretary) 1983-1990; International Association of Sport Kinetics-IASK (president) 1990-2011; member of Executive Board and Regional Coordinator Eastern Europe of ICSSPE (2004-2008); International Ringo Federation (president from 2004). Doctor honoris causa of Open International University for Complementary Medicines in Colombo (1996); Meritorious professor of Kinesiology Faculty of University of Zagreb. Honorary member of: International Academy of Integrative Anthropology, Academy of Science of Technological Cybernetics of Ukraine, International Academy of Gerontology, Politechnical Academy of Belarus. Editorial Committee of journals: "Human Kinetics"; "Biology of Sport"; "Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis"; "Kinesiology"; "Kinesiologia Slovenica"; "Studies in Physical Culture and Tourism"; "Anthropomotorics"; "Sport Medicine"; "Acta Facultatis Educationis Physicae Universitatis Comenianae". Publications: over 600 research papers publish in 26 countries of the world including 45 Monographs in Polish, English, Italian, Russian, German. Personal Achievements in sport: sportsmen in 20 sport disciplines, in 12 classified. Greatest achievements in ice figure skating, wrestling and ringo (18 medals on International Polish, European and World Championships). Coach 1 class in ice figure skating - practicing 20 years as a coach.

Vice-Presidents - Assoc. Prof. Dr Mario Baič (Croatia)

Education: He graduated at the Faculty of Physical Culture University of Zagreb in 1999 under the mentorship of professor Josip Marić, PhD. After completing his studies, he enrolled in the postgraduate specialist study in wrestling. In 2001, he passed his final exam and was appointed to the rank of Physical Education teacher. In 2003, under the mentorship of professor Josip Marić, PhD (from Croatia) and co-mentorship of professor Włodzimierz Starosta, PhD (from Poland), he successfully defended his master thesis. Professor Baić also passed all the required exams for completing the postgraduate scientific study and he earned the title of Master of Science. In 2006, he defended his doctoral dissertation under the mentorship of professor Hrvoje Sertić, PhD (from Croatia) and the co-mentorship of professor Włodzimierz Starosta (from Poland), PhD at the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb.

Teaching and professional activities: After graduating at the Faculty of Physical Culture he was shortly employed (in 1999 as a substitute teacher) at the Zagreb Hotel and Tourism School as a teacher of physical education. Between 2000 and 2007 he worked as a professional wrestling coach in Croatian wrestling clubs. By the end of 2007, he was employed at the faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb as a senior assistant in the course Wrestling. In 2011, he was elected into the scientific and teaching rank and position of an assistant professor at the faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb. From 2013 he was the Vice dean for Education and Students at the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, as well as the president of several Committees and a member of the Work group for study programmes at the University of Zagreb. Associate professor Mario Baić, PhD, is currently also the course teacher in the course Sports and Law at the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb and a member of the Committee for Recognition of Foreign Education Qualifications in the field of kinesiology in the Republic of Croatia. Since 2017 he is dean’s councillor for quality assurance at the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb, as well as the member of several Committees (Committee for Education and Student Questions, Committee for Scienece and Ethics, Committee for Quality Assurance etc..), and he is ECTS coordinator at the International Relations Office at the Faculty of Kinesiology. Read more ...

Vice-Presidents - Prof. Dr Olha Borysova (Ukraine)

Vice-Rector of scientific and pedagogical work of National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport (NUUPES), Professor of professional, non-Olympic sports and adaptive sports, professor, doctor of physical education and sport, Honored Workers of Physical Culture and Sports. Education: 1996 - Ukrainian State University of Physical Education and Sports (now the National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport).
2000 - postgraduate study at the NUUPES, 2012 - doctoral studies at NUUPES, since 2012 - Professor of the Department of Professional, Non-Olympic and Adaptive Sports of the NUUPES , 2013-2016 - Head of the Department of Sports Games of the NUUPES, from 2016 - vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work of the NUUPES. National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport: Ph. D. - 2001; second doctor degree - 2012. Full professor from 2013. Membership of professional bodies: Member of the Presidium of the Tennis Federation of Ukraine, Commission of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine "Sport and the environment". Member of the Academic Council of the NUUPES and the Specialized Academic Council D 26.829.01 NUUPES. National tennis referee. Tennis coach Level II International Tennis Federation (ITF). Editorial Committee of journals: "Science in Olympic Sports", "Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports", "Physical Culture, Sport and Health of the Nation". Publications: over 150 scientific and methodological works, including 2 monographs, 8 textbooks (with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and approved by the Academic Council of NUUPES), 10 educational programs. Initiator of the introduction of innovative ideas and ways of solving the actual problem of development of modern sports in the conditions of professionalization, which contributed to the formation of a new scientific school, the development of scientific topics for 15 years. For a significant personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian physical culture and sports, science, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities and the training of highly skilled specialists was awarded the Gratitude of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Sign of the Ministry of Education and Science "Excellence in Education of Ukraine", the Honorary Diploma of the Kyiv State Administration, Gratitudes of the NOC of Ukraine, the Sports Committee of Ukraine, the Federation of Handball of Ukraine, Award of the NOC of Ukraine, the highest awards and diplomas of the International Exhibition of Educational Institutions "Modern Education in Ukraine".
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Vice-Presidents Assoc. Prof. Juan M. Cortell-Tormo, PhD (Spain), Born on September 25, 1972 in Spain, married, father of three children.


1999 Graduate in teacher of physical education

2004 Graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences

2009 PhD in Sports Sciences

Work experience: Between 1999 and 2004 he worked as a manager in fitness center. From 2003 to 2004 employed at primary and secondary school as a teacher of physical education. From 2005 to 2007 he worked as a personal trainer in physiotherapy clinic. 2006 elected assistant professor for the subject physical activity for health and 2017 elected associate professor at the General and Specific Didactics Department of the Faculty of Education, University of Alicante, Spain. Since 2013, he is Vicedean of Sport Sciences at the Faculty of Education.

Scientific contributions: His research interests regard to sports and health are focused on strength testing and training (core stability and blood flow restriction condition), biomechanics and notation analysis and martial arts. Until this moment, he has published more than 50 scientific papers (half in JCR), 2 books, 12 chapters, more than 100 congress participations, 3 patents, and reviewer in several scientific journals. In the past 10 years he has served as a Research Fellow in 22 R & D projects financed by public funds and 17 contracts of public-private research. ORCID   Researchgate

Contact: Faculty of Education - University of Alicante, Campus de San Vicente del Raspeig s/n, 03690 - San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante), Spain, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Vice-Presidents - prof. Wieslaw Osinski (Poland) Vice-Presidents - prof. Wieslaw Osinski (Poland) served as both department head and professor of kinesiology and sport pedagogy at the University of Physical Education in Poznań, Poland. He has regularly taught a course on anthropomotorics, theory of physical education, physical activity and aging. Prof. Dr. Wiesław Osiński has held many distinguished positions and has received many honors. He has served 1990-1996 as a rector of the University School of Physical Education in Poznań, vice president of International Association of Sport Kinetics, a member of Committee of Rehabilitation, Physical Culture and Social Integration of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Prof. Dr. Wiesław Osiński is the author of more than 200 publications, including 7 books (e.g. Problems of Human Motor Activity - 1990, Foundation of Theory of Physical Education - 1996, Anthropomotorics - 2000, Impact of aging on physical activity, fitness and health- 2006) Has served as a associate editor Human Movement and a member of editorial board e.g. of the "Journal of Human Kinetics", "Kinesiologia Slovenica", "Antropomotoryka", "Physical Education and Sport", "Physical Culture and Tourism", "Journal of Human Sport and Exercise", "Przegląd Antropologiczny". For the past 12 years, he has focused on effects of exercise and physical activity in the different aspects of health, fitness and quality of life in elderly adults.

Vice-Presidents - Prof. Dr James S. Skinner (USA)

LANGUAGE FLUENCY: English, French, German, Spanish.
DEGREES: B.S. (Physical Education), University of Illinois, 1958; M.S. (Physical Education), University of Illinois, 1960; Ph.D. (Physical Education/Physiology), University of Illinois, 1963;
1967-70 Ass. Professor, Applied Physiology, Laboratory for Human Performance Research, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
1970-71 Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Herzfunktionslabor, Lehrstuhl für Kreislaufforschung und Leistungsmedizin, Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Freiburg, West Germany
1970-77 Professeur Agrégé (Assoc. Prof.), Département d'Education Physique, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec
1977-82 Professor, Faculty of Physical Education, Univ. of Western Ontario, London, Ontario
1982-95 Professor and Director, Exercise and Sport Research Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
1996-05 Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
2005- Professor Emeritus
American College of Sports Medicine: 1979-80, President; 1984-93, Chair, Committee on International Relations; 1990-98, Chair, Organizing Committee, 1998 FIMS World Congress
Confederación Panamericana de Medicina del Deporte: 1994-99, Chair, Scientific Commission
International Council of Sport Science & Physical Education: 1994-00, Vice President, Scientific Services; 2001-02, Treasurer; 1996, Recipient, Philip Noel Baker Research Award; 2000, Recipient with HERITAGE Research Consortium, IOC President's Award for Biomedical Science
Fédération Internationale de Médecine du Sport (FIMS): 1998-2006, Member, Scientific Commission
YMCA of the USA: 1987-2007, Chair, National Medical Advisory Committee
Prof. Skinner is one of the five principal investigators of the HERITAGE Family Study, a large multi-center investigation of the role that genetic factors play in the response to training of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. He has been actively investigating the relationships between exercise, training and health for many years and has lectured in English, French, German and Spanish in 58 countries about these relationships.
Publications (as of July, 2007): 282 published and 2 in press (accepted).
Grants: >$50 million as principal investigator, co-principal investigator or member of executive committee.

Vice-Presidents - Prof. Dr. Martin Zvonar (Czech Republic)

- 2011 – Doc. – Kinanthropology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2006 – Ph.D. – Kinanthropology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2002 – Mgr. – Physical education and geography, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
Work experience:
- January 2018 up to the present – Dean – Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2009–2017 – Vice-dean for research and development – Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2006–2017 – Department head – Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2012 up to the present – Associate Professor – Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2006–2012 – Lecturer – Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2004–2006 – Assistant – Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- 2002–2004 – Teacher of physical education and geography – Private secondary business school, Brno, Elementary school Bakalovo nábřeží, Brno
Scientific and research area
- Kinanthropology, biomechanics, fitness diagnostics.
Other Professional Activities
- Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University
- Member of Scientific Board of Masaryk University
- Member of Doctoral Board of the Faculty of Sports Studies for program Kinanthropology
- Member of Committee for Research Infrastructure Development of the Masaryk University
- Member of Czech Kinanthropology Association
- Member of Editorial Board of science magazine Czech Kinanthropology
- Associate editor of Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport Journal
- Associate editor of Kinesiology Journal
Lectures and project activities
Zvonar, M.: Research on the influence of special insoles and footwear in selected population group. National Sport University, Bucuresti, Romania, 2014.
Zvonar, M.: Development of "biomechanical" shoe. Catholics University in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, 2013.
Zvonar, M.: Three-dimensional Biomechanical Analysis as a Mean for Diagnostics of Balance abilities. Akdeniz University, Turkey, 2009.
Zvonař, M.: The relationship between physical activity and health condition. University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2007.
Project leader: "Expansion of research and pedagogical cooperation in kinantropological research" focused at supporting team publications of all project partners, completed in 2013.

 dr Jan KonarskiGeneral Secretary - Dr. Jan Konarski (Poland)

Jan Konarski, PhD - lecturer in Department of Theory and Methodology of Sport, Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Rehabilitation at the University School of Physical Education in Poznań, Poland, teacher of PE and trainer of swimming, member of Training Department in Polish Field Hockey Association, Polish Scientific Society of Physical Culture and Editorial Board Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. He regularly teach in subjects: theory of sport and sport training (Sports Science) for students and participants of different sports courses. In the publications he concentrate on the main research interests, include: influence of sport physical activity on coefficients of the motor development of man with regard to socio–cultural conditions; sport of children and youth in contemporary system of professional sport; changes of chosen parameters of the competitor and training model in section of sport ontogenesis on the example of different disciplines (field hockey, football - soccer, swimming, golf); occurrence of dependence in the range of external and internal loads in the conditions of training and competitions in field hockey and other sport disciplines; prevention of injuries in sport with use different exercise in training.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Technical Secretary

Prof. Dr. Bahman Mirzaei (Iran)

- Member of United World wrestling (UWW) scientific commission
- Academic member, Department of exercise physiology, University of Guilan, Iran
Academic background
Publications (Books & Papers):
- Publication of 8 books in different fields of “science and wrestling”.
- Scientific editor of 6 books in field of Sport and Exercise Physiology.
- Publication of more than 150 papers in international and national scientific journals.
- Lecturer in FILA and UWW advanced clinics for coaches (Kazakhstan 2007, Spain 2011, Iran 2017)
- Editorial board of the international journal of wrestling and science.
- Secretary of the International Network of Wrestling Researchers (INWR)
- Lecturer in international congress and symposiums regarding wrestling more than 20 times.
- Conducting an Olympic solidarity course for OCA in Lahore, Pakistan 2007
- Conducting an international workshop on "Testing and evaluation of elite wrestlers ", Greece 2011.
- conducting more than 30 national workshops and courses on science of training
Sport background
- Member, FILA Scientific and Technical department (2008-2012)
- Director, physical preparation and conditioning of Iranian wrestling federation (2006-2011)
- Teaching wrestling at college of sport sciences for more than 18 years.
- National coach of physical preparation (Greco- roman & Free-Style wrestling teams) for more than 5 years.
- FILA international coaching license (Degree I), Almaty, 2007.
- 1St place in Iran national championships, 62 KG freestyle wrestling (1993).
- 1st place in Iran Universiad championships, 62 KG freestyle (1993).

Dr Krystyna Aniol-Strzyzewska - PolandTreasurer - Dr. Krystyna Maria Anioł-Strzyżewska
Date and place of birth: 24 January 1947, Poznań. Nationality: Polish;
Education: 1965-1971- Study: Medical Academy in Poznań;
1976-1982 - The first specialization in the pathomorphology (Poznań) and second degree of specialization in forensic evaluation services in criminalistic and civil medical, PhD inthe field of permanent disability in sports;
1986-1990 - Fellowshipof the Minister of Health and Welfarefor the specialization in the field of Internistic medicine improvement;
1992-1996 Postgraduate Studyin the field of cardiology and sports medicine (Medical Centre ofPostgraduate Education in Warsaw);
Bibliography: 65 scientific works in Polish language and 23 in English, Russian and Italian language Languages: English - good, German - moderately, Russian - good;
Fields of interests:Professional: endocrine homeostasis of organisms under stress, aggression, disease and pharmacological preparations, biophysics, biochemistry, ecology and bioethics.


Prof. Dr. Han C.G. Kemper (Netherland)

Professor Han CG Kemper is born in 1941 in Amsterdam and married with G. Bertheke Post. He is the father of two daughters: Ilse and Birgit and a grandfather of five grandchildren: Ruben, Sten, Kirsi, Tom and Jim. Han CG Kemper changed career from teaching in physical education (St Ignatius College in Amsterdam1963- 1973) to an academic position as exercise physiologist at the University of Amsterdam (1965-1980).He teached sports physiology at the Central Institute for Sport Coaches (CIOS) in Overveen (1968-1971) and at Higher Institute for Physical Education (KALO) in Tilburg (1971-1985). Read More

Prof. Dr Dragan Milanović (Croatia)

Basic biographical data: Born 29th August, 1948 in Slavonski Brod. Nationality - Croat. Married, father of two children.
Education: 1967 graduated from high school in Slavonski Brod. 1972 graduated from the Faculty of Physical Education University of Zagreb. 1976 won his master’s degree – the scientific degree of Master of Arts of social sciences and humanities in the field of kinesiology.1984 won his doctor’s degree in social sciences and humanities in the field of kinesiology.
Work experience: From 1972 to 1985 employed at the Faculty of Physical Education as a research assistant in the subject Athletics. 1985 elected assistant professor for the subject Training Theory and Athletics, 1991 elected associate professor, 1997 elected full professor for the subjects Training Theory and Athletics and 2002 elected full professor - tenured – for the subject Training Theory at the Faculty of Physical Education University of Zagreb.
Teaching: Lecturer at postgraduate studies for scientific and professional advancement at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Medical School University of Zagreb as the subject leader of Kinesiology of Sport for more than ten years. As visiting professor successfully lectures at graduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Sport University in more foreign countries.
Scientific function and scientific work: Since 1990 Editor-In Chief of the scientific journal Kinesiology. Editorial Board member of several scientific journals in the world. President of the Organizing Committee of eight Scientific Conferences on Kinesiology (1997. - 2017.). Since 2000 member of the Croatian Academy of Educational Sciences. Published more than 150 scientific paper in which he successfully analyses the problems of kinesiology of sport. He has been the principal researcher in several scientific projects.
Professional work: Besides scientific papers professor Milanović has published more than 140 professional papers in journals and proceedings books in Croatia and abroad. Since 1975 is involved in professional work of numerous national teams and sport clubs (track and field, volleyball, water polo, handball, tennis and basketball).
Management function at Faculty of Kinesiology and University of Zagreb: From 1989 to 1993 was Vice-Dean for science and Teaching at the Faculty of Kinesiology University of Zagreb. From 1993 to 1997 was Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education University of Zagreb. From 1998 to 2002 was Vice-Rector for Teaching and Students of the University of Zagreb. From 2003 to 2007 was Rector, and the Dean of the Social Polytechnics in Zagreb.
Awards: 1994. National award for Sport „Franjo Bučar“. 1996. Award from Physical education teachers Union of Republic of Croatia. received an Doctor honoris causa degree at the University of Physical Education and Sport in Kiev (Ukraine). 2006. Award of Zagreb City, from the City Assembly. 2006. Annual national award for science of the Croatian Parliament. 2008. Received the "Award of the Croatian Olympic Committee Matija Ljubek" for lifetime achievement. 2010. he received a medal of the Croatian President - Croatian “Red Danice hrvatske”. 2011. received a National award for Sport "Franjo Bučar" for lifetime achievement.

Prof. Dr. Hanlie Moss (South Africa)

Hanlie Moss, currently the Director of Research in Physical activity, Sport and Recreation (PhASRec), at the North-West University, obtained the degrees BSc, BSc Hons and MSc in Biochemistry between 1988 - 1996. In 1998 she completed her BSc Hons in Biokinetics and went on to complete her PhD in Human Movement Science in 2000 at the then Potchefstroom University for CHE. After the completion of her studies she moved to Oudtshoorn and established a Biokinetics practice as owner and independent practitioner. In 2003 Hanlie was appointed as lecturer in Biokinetics (until 2003), senior lecturer (until 2010) and associate professor (until 2016) at the North-West University. In 2010 she completed her MBA at the North-West University. Hanlie holds a C2 rating with the National Research Foundation and is a registered Biokineticist with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), She served on the board of Directors of the Biokinetics Association of Southern Africa (BASA) in the portfolio Public Sector and Academia until 2018 and is the editor of the South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. Her research interests are related to physical activity and exercise for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases of lifestyle. As lecturer within the School of Biokinetics, Recreation and Sport Science, Hanlie has taught exercise physiology, biomechanics, practice management, orthopaedics and clinical exercise physiology. In her 15 years at the NWU she has published more than 45 national and international peer reviewed papers, has presented more than 75 national and international conference papers, and authored three book chapters with international colleagues. She has supervised a total of 32 postgraduate students and 3 postdoctoral students. The “Eminent Scientist of the Year for the African Region” was awarded to her in 2011 for her work on exercise in persons with intellectual disabilities. In 2017 she was also recognised by the South African Academy of Arts and Culture as recipient of the Albert Strating award for “Preventative Medicine” due to her work on the role of physical activity in the prevention of risk factors for non-communicable diseases. Hanlie has been invited to present lectures in South Africa, the United States of America, Australia, Poland, Switzerland and Mozambique. She has served as chair of the scientific committees for the first and fourth International Life Through Movement Conference(2012 & 2018), hosted by BASA, as well as the international Global Forum on Physical Education Pedagogy of 2014. She is currently on the scientific panel of the Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH) and the South African representative for the Federation Internationale d’Education Physique (FIEP). Within the African region she serves on the steering committee of the African Physical Activity Network (AFPAN).

Prof. Dr. Danuta Umiastowska (Poland)

dr hab. Physical Education Studies (2008, Physical Education Academy, Poznan). Studies: Higher School of Pedagogy in Szczecin (1976). Occupation: professor at University of Szczecin, Physical Education and Health Promotion Department, person in charge of Physical Education Methodology Unit. Specializes in physical activity of children, youngsters and adults, as well as physical education methodology. Author of 332 publications, including ‘Factors of Children and Youngsters Physical Education at Different Levels of Education’, ‘Physical Education Lesson’, ‘Physical and Motor Development of Szczecin Children Aged 9–15 (continuous research)’, ‘Vivacious Lessons in Integrated Education (co-author)’, ‘Changes in Academic Physical Education Model in View of Research on Szczecin Students’ Participation in Physical Education’, ‘Counteracting the exclusion of older people by supporting their physical activity and developing digital skills’, ‘A new look at the narratives and experiences of Polish women’. Thesis supervisor of 2 PhD dissertations, 226 MA and BA dissertations. Reviewer of 16 PhD dissertations, 13 monographs, 68 articles in scientific journals. Editor-in-Chief of ‘Physical Activity of People at Different Age’ scientific magazine. Inventor and organizer of 23 editions of International Scientific Conference ‘Physical Activity of People at Different Age’. Ministry of Education expert for teachers promotion. President of Polish Learned Society of Physical Culture Section in Szczecin, chairwoman of Polish Teachers Association at University of Szczecin, vice-president of Polish Scientific Association of Animation Recreation and Tourism. Board member of International Association of Sport Kinetics (IASK) Polish Section. Awards: Gold Cross of Merit, Honorary Member Badge of Polish Physical Culture Learned Society, Gold Cross of Merit for Polish Scouting Association, Gold Badge of Polish Teachers Association, National Education Medal.

Prof. Dr  Patrik Drid (Serbia)

Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad
Full Professor on Subject Martial Arts/Combat Sports
My research is focused on physiological responses to maximal and sub maximal exercise in combat sports. Besides, in last couple of years I am focused on molecular hydrogen administration on biomarkers of acid-base homeostasis and post-exercise recovery in judo athletes as well as on effects of oral guanidinoacetic acid in human nutrition.
Member of several international juries for scientific conferences. Reviewer of several international scientific journals (International Journal of Sports Medicine, Journal of Sports Sciences, PLOS ONE, Medicina (Kaunas), Balkan Medical Journal, Kinesiology, Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, Medicina Sportiva, Biomedical Human Kinetics, …).
Published in more than 200 papers in international and national journals and conferences (Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Lifestyle Genomics, Irish Journal of Medical Science, Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Nutrition, Medicina dello Sport, Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism, Acta Kinesiologica, Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, Nutrients, Archives of Budo, Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, Vojnosanitetski pregled, Science & Sports, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, Biomedical Human Kinetics, European Journal of Nutrition, Collegium Antropologicum, HealthMed, Journal of Human Kinetics, TTEM, Kinesiology, Journal of World Mitochondria Society…).
Technical Delegate – Sambo, FISU.
Chairman of ESF Youth and Students Commission.
International A Category Referee Judo.
International Referee sambo.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Hrvoje Karničić (Croatia) 

Personal Information
Adress: 27 Marina Držića Street, Split 21000, Croatia
Tel: + 385(0)21346 379; Mob: + 385(0)915560730; Date of birth: 7/9/1965
Formal Education
1993 MD - Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Croatia
2011 PhD - Faculty of Kinesiology University of Split,Croatia
Degree Background
1995/96 Professor of Physical Education, Elementary school –Trstenik
1996-2005 Assistant, Combat sports, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split,Croatia
2005-2007 Responsible for fitness diagnostics of Croatia wrestling team
2005-2018 Professor, Wrestling, Sport history, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Croatia
2018- Vice Dean, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Croatia
Research area of interest
Sport science; Combat sport phisiology; Wrestling History; Fitness diagnostics

Prof. Dr Luminita Georgescu (Romania)is ahighly appreciated professor in the Department of Medical Assistance and Kinesitherapy at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Pitesti, Romania. Since 2007 she is a scientific coordinator for doctoral studies in the field of Sport Science and in 2011 she became a member of the Executive Board of International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education. With a vast profesional experience: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (2007-2011), President of the Medical and Anti-doping Commission at Judo World Cup, Bucharest (2005-2008), Director of the International Relations Department of the University of Pitesti (2004-2005), collaborator of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee, Professor Georgescu is also a sports medicine physician with a Doctoral degree in Medical Sciences. Her academic activity reflects an increased interest in developing new cross-disciplinary programs and research projects in the area of physical education, sport and health (10 books published and more than 100 articles in national and international scientific manifestations). Theprofessionalaccomplishments of Professor Georgescu includes also: International Association of Sport Kinetics (IASK) Presidium Member, Regional Expert Assessor for the National Council for Adult Vocational Training and the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Associated Editor and also Section Editor for Health Related Fitness and Health Promotion of Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science (AJESS), scientific reviewer for the Romanian Sport Medicine Journal and Romanian Journal of Physiotherapy, member in multiple national and international associations, member in scientific committees and invited speaker at important international conferences in the field of sport science, winner of national and international awards and distinctions. 

Jaak Jürimäe is a Professor of Coaching Sciences

Prof. Dr. Jaak Jurimae (Estonia). He completed his PhD in Exercise Physiology from the University of Queensland, Australia and joined the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy at the University of Tartu, Estonia. Being a former rower himself, he has emphasized his research on the prediction of rowing performance from different functional, body composition, blood biochemical and psychological parameters Another research area focuses on the possible causes and markers of fatigue, overreaching and overtraining using different functional, blood biochemical and psychological parameters in athletes. In addition, his research interests among others include the assessment of physical activity, sedentary behaviour, body composition, bone health, cardiorespiratory fitness and different blood biochemical parameters during growth and maturation in children. He has a special interest in pediatric exercise physiology. He is currently an Associated Editor for BMC Pediatrics. Dr. Jürimäe has published more than 180 papers and book chapters in the peer-reviewed literature. In addition, he has co-authored 3 books with internationally reconginized publishers and supervised 12 PhD students.

M.S. Bahng Changki (Korea Republic)

Master of Science (M.S.)
The State University of New York at Cortland, Cortland , New York, United States. August, 2011
Major: International Sport Management (ISM)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
The State University of New York at Cortland, Cortland , New York, United States. August, 2006
Major: Sport Management
Advanced Associate Science (A.A.S)
Woosong Information College, , Daejeon, Republic of Korea, February, 1998
Major: Social Physical Education    Read more ...

Controll Commission

Prof. Robert Szeklicki (Poland)

Prof. Robert Szeklicki (Poland)Robert Szeklicki, PhD – associate professor in Department of Physical Activity Sciences and Health Promotion, University School of Physical Education in Poznan (Poland). He has regularly taught a course on anthropomotorics, theory of physical education, physical activity and aging.
His research has focused on determinants of physical activity and physical fitness among children and youth, determinants of falls, postural stability and physical fitness among elderly, morphological and metabolical consequences of habitual physical activity of elderly and its social determinants. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Dr. Joanna Ratajczak (Poland)


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