Statutes IASK
§ 1
Name and Seat of Association
1. "International Association of Sport Kinetics" (IASK) is a scientific organisation. It is absolute a legal union and follows an aim direct for common use.
2. It has its seat with the working place of respective President.
§ 2
Aims and Tasks
1. The aim of the society is to promote and further development of the Branch of "Kinetics and Movements" in research, in teaching and in a application within sport science. It strive for co-work between scientists of allied Scientific disciplines as well mother and contact sciences. Constantly concentrating the Society on the objects and problem field of motor coordination, motor learning and motor development as well diagnostics with an aim analyses, examining and improving the theoretical basis and models in the frame of statement of questions of Sport Kinetics as well as research, diagnose and exchange methods.
2. The main tasks of the society are:
- to encourage international co-operation in the field of movement and kinetics between sport science;
- to stimulate and assist sport kinetics research and its practical application;
- to integrate persons and organizations, those working with the questions of human movement and kinetics in general as well as sport movement and sport in specific in anthropokinetics, sociokinetics, psychokinetics kinesiology, kinanthropology, anthropomaximology, etc.;
- to integrate interdisciplinary co-work with the representatives of allied sciences (such as neurophysiology of kinetics, psychology of kinetics, pathokineties preventive and rehailitative aspects of kinetics and many others;
- to promote and encourage young scientist in the mentioned fields;
- to initiate and to organize international information exchanges as well meeting and publication work (regular conferences and congresses as well own journal etc.);
- co-work with other international institutions and organizations;
- to initiate and assist the exchange of international experts and co-operation of institutes on international projects (e.g. comparative studies);
- to extend international counseling, assistance and co-operation at the time of construc- tion of science, teaching and research branches on questions of sport kinetics.
§ 3
1. Membership is personal. Membership of scientific institutions and organizations is possible.
2. Those who have identified themselves through their scientific work in the field of kinetic and movement in research, teaching or in application, can be the personal member.
3. For membership one has to apply in writing. After the consent of Presidium, one has to pay its fee and justified with possessed of its card.
4. Membership ended through written explanation at the end of financial year.
5. Every member has active and passive right of election.
6. The member would receive all information concerning the society and can participate in the meetings organized by the society under special conditions.
7. Sum of membership fee was fixed by the then constituted General Assembly meeting (Assembly) in 1991. Its is 30 $ dollar for an individual and 150 $ dollar for organizations/institutions (The members and organizations/institutions from East European countries will pay 5 $ dollar respectively). It is pay early to treasure of the society latest by the end of first quarter (i.e. 01.04).
8. Disposition of membership follows by the Presidium with immediate effect on account of damaging the society and standing payment.
9. Through the decision of annual body meeting an honourable membership can be pronounced.
10. IASK members are split into: honor, practical, and candidates. The status of honor members may be granted to outstanding experts of human movements science (kinesiology, anthrophomotorics, sport kinetics, kinanthropology, etc.) who would be recommended by the Presidium and accepted by the majority present at the General Meeting of IASK. Honor members contribute by paying one annual fee for which they receive free of charge, a membership card and certificate.
11. For those new members not possessing still the scientific degree a professor, the status of member-candidate is being introduced, that is “waiting member”. After a year the member-candidate presents his scientific research achievements to the special commission of IASK and in the case of positive opinion, he may be granted the status of a member.
12. In countries where the number of members have exceeded 5, it is possible to establish a National Section of IASK which would be composed of: the president, vice president, (in case of over 15 members – two vice presidents, in case of more than 30 – three), the treasurer and the secretary. The National Section is a form of a subsidiary enabling an efficient functioning of the IASK all over the country and carrying its goals and statute assumption. It manifests its activity by organizing national and international scientific events (meetings, lectures, seminars, conferences etc.).
§ 4
Organs of Association
Following are the organs of the Association:
1. General meeting (Assembly).
2. Presidium.
3. Temporary or permanent working groups commissions respectively.
§ 5
General Assembly (Members Meeting)
1. The Assembly consist of all members of Association.
2. The General Meeting is the highest organ of the society, and have specially following tasks:
- to advise and to decide all basis problems of society;
- to elect the Presidium (Executive Board) and to unburden it after two years respective reports of auditors;
- to settle the questions of Statutes;
- to decide on binding up the Association;
- it confirms the working groups constituted by the Presidium;
- it would take place every two years;
- simply the majority of the present members resolve the decisions;
- applications to Assembly be put before the president latest 8 weeks prior to its mee- ting;
- minutes be prepared on the Assembly decisions and signet by recorder as well as by president.
§ 6
1. It consists of one President, Vice -Presidents, one Secretary
2. The Presidium is elected by the General Assembly for two years.
3. Members of the Presidium be elected through separate elections. An open or secret election by decided by the Assembly.
4. Re-election of members of the Presidium is allowed
§ 7
Working groups / Commissions
1. The Presidium can from temporary or permanent commissions for special working fields (e.g. editing of own Journal; necessary revision of Statute; preparation of the Congress; working on the documents on present position of the society and its development; co-ordination between international research projects; promotion of bidding scientist etc.).
2. Working groups and commissions engaged by Presidium be confirmed by the General Assembly.
This Statutes resolved unanimously by the General Assembly on 02.09.1999 in Ljubljana and from the same day is in power.
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