5th International Scientific Conference 2010

Created: Sunday, 18 December 2011

Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw
Faculty of Physical Education in Biala Podlaska, Poland
Modern methods of motor learning
in physical education, motor rehabilitation and sport

Biala Podlaska, September 16-17, 2010

Scientific Committee

Prof. Michał Belej (Slovakia)
Prof. Wiktor Bołoban (Poland)
Prof. Lechosław B. Dworak (Poland)
Prof. Mats Glemne (Sweden)
Prof. Juris Grants (Latvia)
Prof. Grzegorz Juras (Poland)
Prof. Július Kasa (Slovakia)
Prof. Włodzimierz Ljach (Poland)
Prof. Andrzej Mastalerz (Poland)
Prof. Franco Merni (Italy)
Prof. Dragan Milanović (Croatia)
Prof. César Peixoto (Portugal)
Prof. Jerzy Sadowski ( Poland)
Prof. Henryk Sozański (Poland)
Prof. Włodzimierz Starosta (Poland)
Prof. Michaił Shestakov (Russia)
Prof. Ryszard Zukowski (Poland)

Organizing Committee
Chairman - Prof. Jerzy Sadowski
Secretary - Tomasz Niźnikowski, Ph.D.
Members - Zbigniew Bujak, Ph.D.
- Artur Litwiniuk, Ph.D.
- Hubert Makaruk, Ph.D.
- Janusz Zielinski, Ph.D.
- Mariusz Buszta, M.A.
- Wilhelm Gromisz, M.A

 Conference date and venue

The debates will take place in the conference rooms of the Faculty
of Physical Education in Biala Podlaska on September 16-17, 2010

Choose one topic/section that your paper is related to:
1. Problems and strategies of scientific research into motor learning
and performance in theory and practice of Physical Education and Sport.
2. Methodology, methods and techniques used to study
motor learning and performance and exercises of various coordination
3. Various aspects of motor learning: medical, biological,
morphological, functional, biomechanical, psychological and
4. Motor learning and performance: results of pedagogical research
and experiments.

Presentation forms
- plenary sessions (20 min.)
- short presentations (10 min.)
- poster presentations (3 min.)

Conference Languages
The official languages of the Conference are Polish, English and Russian.

Technical equipment
Extensive poster presentation and network facilities (data projector,
slides projector, overhead projector) will be made available. An
audio-visual professional will be on site.

Instructions for papers
- Papers presented at the Conference will be selected for publication in proceedings of Sport Kinetics at the discretion of the Scientific Committee. No more than two manuscripts per person will be accepted. - All papers must be written in English. The full text should not exceed 12 pages,  including tables, figures, and references. Text should be single spaced and placed on A - 5 size paper. Please, use 12 point Times New Roman font for the paper. Margins: left- 1.5, right 1.2, top and button 1.2 cm.
- The main title should be printed in capitals (12 points) and should be the same as for the submitted abstract. The title should be followed by author (s) name (character size 12 points) and affiliation, city and country.
- Paper should contain the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and References (no more than 12). Title of each section should be capitalized and separated by single blank line from previous section.
- Each citation in the text should be noted in parentheses, for example: (Annes 1992, King, Yeadon 2003) and must appear in the references list in alphabetical order.
- Each position of the references should have its consecutive number and must be cited in the text, for example:
1. Annes C. (1992). Achievement goals, motivational climate and motivational processes. In: Roberts G. (ed.), Motivation in Sport and Exercises. Human Kinetics Books, Champaign: IIL, 161-176.
2. King M. A., Yeadon M.R. (2003). Coping with perturbations to a layout somersault in tumbling. Journal of Biomechanics: 36 (7), 921-7.
- Figures must be generated by computer and inserted in the proper place within the text. Each figure should have its consecutive number and a corresponding caption. Tables and figures must be cited in the text.
- The full text must be saved on a non-returnable floppy disc using Microsoft Word 97 or 2000 for Windows. The disc should be labelled clearly with authors' names and the title of the paper. Authors should also send two copies of the paper by post or e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
- Authors who want to have their paper published must send their full papers and pay conference fee before June 30, 2010
- POSTERS will only be displayed during the Conference. The posters should fit a board of 0.70 m wide and 1.4m high. They should be easy to read from a distance of 2.5 meters. All posters should have the following structure: title, name (s) of author (s), affiliation, material/methods, results, conclusion or discussion

Conference Publications
Properly arranged and qualified papers will be published in the Conference monograph, which enables an author to be awarded points according to
National Board of Scientific Research list of points.

Conference Publications
Properly arranged and qualified papers will be published in the Conference monograph, which enables an author to be awarded points according to
National Board of Scientific Research list of points.

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