13. Sport Kinetics 2015
Some pictures from celebration the Distinguished Service Award of United States of Sport Academy for Prof. dr habil. Włodzimierz Starosta. In name of the President of United States of Sport Akademy Prof. Thomas Rosandich the Award was given by the vice-rector of Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Prof.dr.habil. Jerzy Sadowski and General Secretary of International Association of Sport Kinetics, Prof. dr. habil. Jan Konarski. The celebration was on the cyclical international conference "13. Sport Kinetics 2015" of Association of Sport Kinetics in which participated scientists from 12 countries. After this celebration was promotiom a new book of Prof. W. Starosta no. 68: "Kinesthesis - new method of development highest quality of movements".
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