Prof. Dr. Josif M. Feigenberg

Created: Sunday, 18 December 2011

Professor Josif Moisejevitsch Feigenberg (1922) is head of the Research Laboratory in Moscow, Russia, and chairman of Jerusalem Multidisciplinary Seminar in Jerusalem, Israel. He completed his medical studies in 1946, doctor's degree got in 1954, habilitation in 1967 and the title of professor - in 1972.

After completing the medical studies, under Stalin regime, because of strong national prejudices he worked at first as a laboratory technician, and only then as a physician. In late fifties of 20th century he began to create bases of his theory of probabilistic prognosis. At one of scientific conferences his paper attracted attention of Nicolai Aleksandrovitsch Bernstein. During the last 6 years of Bernstein?s life, Josif M. Feigenberg cooperated with him and they became friends. In fact, his theory of probabilistic prognosis is coherent with the Bernstein?s theory and makes a continuation of his way of thinking.
Professor Feigenberg authored numerous books and scientific papers. Apart of his own achievements, he deserves the special credit for saving great works of Bernstein. Thanks to Feigenberg's effort in 1991 was published " for the first time" the Bernstein's work "O lovkosti i yeyo razvitii" ("On dexterity and its development"; English translation in 1996). In 2003, also for the first time, Prof Feigenberg edited the work wrote by Bernstein in 1935 as a polemics with views of Ivan Petrovitsch Pavlov ? ?Sovremennyje iskanija w fizjologii nervnogo processa? (Contemporary researches into the physiology of neural process).
For his services, Professor Feigenberg was awarded numerous distinctions. Among other things, he got Gold Medal for Contributions to the National Economy of the U.S.S.R (1967) and Labour Veteran Medal (1986).
Professor Feigenberg very dynamically runs his scientific activity. Among other things, he is a member of Editorial Board of Polish scientific journal ?Antropomotoryka? ("Motor Science"), which is edited under auspices of Polish Academy of Sciences, Academy of Physical Education in Krakow and International Association of Sport Kinetics.

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